Ness Yawl Building Plans

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Part No. Categories: Double-ended beach boats

Basically a lengthened version of the Tirrik, the Ness Yawl is long, lean, light and fast. Although most owners want a reasonable carrying capacity within a limited length, my own preference is for a longer, narrower hull which will slide along with very little effort in the lightest breeze. Such a craft can offer the sheer delight of lively sailing.

The original sailing rig is a large balanced lug foresail with a small mizzen, but a gunter sloop rig is now also available.

  • Length

    19′ 2″ – 5.84m

  • Beam

    5′ 3″ – 1.60m

  • Draft

  • Weight (kg)


  • Sail Area

    133 sq ft – 12.35 sq m

  • Time to build (estimate)

    300-400 hours

Weight 1.9 kg
Purchase Options

Postal version (Printed), Downloadable PDF Version (Customer to print)