Gaff Saddles

Made to order.

These can be purchased by themselves, but we will need the dimensions of the gaff end they are to fit to.

When purchased with a spar end and sail and halyard attachments they are made as a set.



Piecing together a Gaff Saddle assembly.
Follow through the steps below.

1. The peak angle identifies which range of saddle to choose.

2. The mast diameter identifies the size of saddle – if the mast is parallel, that is
easy; if it is tapered, let us know the diameters at gooseneck and at the height
where the saddle will normally be, and we can advise which one will be best.

3. Choose the material. In this context I should say that while you can have a
bronze saddle, the ones made from stainless are lighter and
stiffer. For this reason unless stated all bronze saddles will be fabricated from
stainless steel but with bronze lugs (the only bit that shows outside the leather).

4. Now choose the spar end.

5. On the basis of the gaff end selection and the peak angle, choose
the relevant bits to connect the saddle to the gaff end.

6.. If required, we can supply the parrel line


Weight N/A
Mast diameter

75mm, 90mm, 105mm, 120mm, 140mm, 160mm, 180mm, 200mm, 220mm, 250mm


Bronze, Stainless steel

Peak angle

Conventional, more than 40°, Gunter, less than 10°, High, less than 40°