Notes on Hardware Lists

Please note that these lists are offered as a generic guide only. They cannot be definitive, nor absolutely correct for your boat, because in drawing them up, many assumptions on layout and/or materials have been made. These assumptions are merely one of a multitude of other possible solutions, any of which could be considered "correct". In any event, much of the point - and the pleasure - of building your own boat is to engage in the process of making the choices you want to make, so creating the outcome you want. So it is recommended that you use these lists as a sort of checklist to help you make your own selection, and to get a rough feel for the costs of outfit. Any feedback or comments you may have would be much appreciated. Known omissions include shackles, fasteners and reefing gear. Not to mention anything else that I have missed.

Caledonian Yawl


Rudder GearSternpost Fittings – (vertical gudgeons)HL-22222
Upper rudder strapHL-22421Assumes lifting rudder 2 1/8″ width of cheek. Use HL-2234 and HL- 2236 if fixed rudder
Lower rudder strapHL-22441strap 8″ long accepts pivot for blade
Pin UpgradesHL-22602increases size of pins to 1/2″
Pivot BoltHL-226615/16″ diameter, includes bushes (if lifting rudder used)
Downhaul line cleatHL-00952tube cleats suggested
Keelband – assumes centreboard fitted3/4″ wideHL-0702171 length 11 foot, one 6′. Please note that for non-UK customers this may be impractical to ship
1/2″ wideHL-0701172 lengths 4′ 6″ beside centreboard
2 lengths 4′ 0″ on bilge runners
RowlocksSide SocketsHL-00224Using 5/8″ rowlocks. Couild use top sockets mounted on plinths inboard of gunwhale
Centreboard pivot1/2″ diameter, with bushesHL-20951Uses tufnol end plates, includes bushes
Mooring equipment5″ handed fairleadsHL-01472i.e. 2 pairs – omit if boat to be dry sailed
6″ cleatsHL-10352suggest ash, but teak or bronze would do
Buoyancy (requirements will vary with the amount of decking fitted and the type of use intended for the boat)Small Bow bagHL-057122 x 136 kg buoyancy – if yawl rig, HL-0570 (45kg bouyancy) may fit better in stern
Pillow bags – 36 x 12HL-0575468 kg buoyancy each, fitted below side benches – if fitted. Otherwise other sizes fitted under thwarts
Drain BungCaptive typeHL-05602one each side of plate case

Rig – Lug Yawl

MainsailMast TravellerRG-11111bronze leathered
Head lacing -4mmRP-02006
Halyard sheave – 70 mm diaRG-14841
Halyard – 6mm braidedRP-020111
Halyard cleat – 6″ ashHL-10351or belay pin in thwart – which is also handy for keeping mast in place. 10″ x 3/4″ (HL-1051) should do
Downhaul – 6 mm braidedRP-02013You can’t get this too tight!
Tufnol 8 mm single bowRG-05101mounted on thwart
Tufnol 8 mm single & becket swivelRG-04561mounted on boom
Belay pin 10 x 3/4″HL-10511in thwart for downhaul
Mainsheet – 10 mm braidedRP-02039I.O suggests 12mm which seems heavy
MainMainsheet boom blockRG-05241or 2 x singles RG-0520
Mainsheet hull blockRG-04681Fiddle, becket and jammer mounted on
Mainsheet attachmentHL-04071Eyeplate mounted on aft edge of centreboard c8″ chainplate mounted on aft edge of centreboard case
MizzenHalyard – 6 mm braidedRP-02018probably best to use “dumb sheave” in the mast
Cleat – 5″ ashHL-10341or belay pin HL-1050, or tube cleat HL-0096
Luff lacing – 4 mmRP-02005
Sheet – 6 mmRP-02015length depends where you take the sheet to
Sheet block – 8mm singleRG-05101mounted on boom
Sheet cleat – camcleatHL-00861mounted on side of mizzen mast? Just an idea
Outhaul blockRG-05101on mast
Outhaul line – 6 mmRP-02011.5attached to front of sprit, up to block, back down to belay pin
Belay pinHL-10501for downhaul line

Rig – Gunter Yaw

MainsailGooseneckRG-002813 1/4″ Mastband assembly – a little larger diameter than shown on plans
RG-10271Spar end – splayed to fit
Tack and Hook fittingRG-18301Tack/hook fitting if slab reefing to be used
Gunter JawsRG-20061unless wooden ones are made as per the plans
Main HalyardRP-0201222 halyards (peak and throat) assumed
Halyard Sheaves – 70 mm diaRG-14842Mounted one above the other – not side by side
Halyard cleats – 6″ ashHL-10352or teak or bronze
Jib HalyardRP-020111
Halyard BlockRG-05101on strop
Halyard cleat – 6″ ashHL-10351or teak or bronze
Mainsheet – 10 mm braidedRP-02039assumes centre main with 4:1 purchase. You may prefer 12 mm for comfort
Upper mainsheet block(s)RG-05241or 2 x singles RG-0520
Lower mainsheet blockRG-04681includes jammer. Mounted on aft edge of centreboard case if fitted, else on floor
Mainsheet attachmentHL-040718″ chainplate mounted on aft edge of centreboard case
Kicker (Vang) upper blockRG-05141fastened to boom, either directly or using a short wire span
Kicker (Vang) lower blockRG-04591attched to lower part of mast, prob by looping a line around the mast
Kicker (Vang) lineRP-020248mm should be OK here
JibJibsheet – 10 mm braidedRP-02036Again 12 mm may be preferred
Jibsheet fairleadsHL-01222Plenty of other options here
Jibsheet CleatsHL-00822
LacingRP-020015for head, luff, boom and possibly stay lanyards
Span endsRP-03052
Span ShackleRG-01451prob better than a shackle
ShroudsRP-01229.2used 7 x 19 here for easy stowage
Shroud endsRP-03064
Shroud platesHL-04082reckon 10″ would be OK
ForestayRP-01224.6length varies a lot with arrangement of fore decking etc.
Forestay endsRP-03062
Forestay fittingHL-0423110″ bowsprit plate screwed/bolted to outside of stempost (not the inside, it will peel away)
Jib Tack fittingHL-05081Screwed to inner stempost – again arrangement may need to vary
Halyard StropRP-01210.5
Halyard Strop EndsRP-03052
MizzenHalyard – 6 mm braidedRP-02018probably best to use “dumb sheave” in the mast
Halyard Cleat – 5″ ashHL-10341or belay pin HL-1050, or tube cleat HL-0096
Luff lacing – 4 mmRP-02005
Sheet – 6 mmRP-02015length depends where you take the sheet to
Sheet block – 8mmRG-05101mounted on boom
Sheet cleat – camcleatHL-00861on mast
Outhaul line – 6 mmRP-02011.5attached to front of sprit, up to block, back down to belay pin
Belay pinHL-10501for downhaul line